RCS Makers

Welcome to the Rochester Community Schools Digital Makerspace. A place that supports creativity, problem-solving, play, and innovation. You will find a growing collection of resources and tools to help you experiment, build, take risks, make mistakes, connect with other makers, and have fun!

Things to remember!

  1. There is no one right way to make. 

  2. Everyone has the ability to be creative. 

  3. Have fun!

Let's start Making!

maker tools icon
group of three gear icons

Maker Resources

student with VR headset

Explore ways to make and create on your own


lego Star Wars characters

Learn how to foster a culture of making at home



adult working with student do a paper

Find useful resources and pictures of practice




Use #RCSMAKERS to share your maker creations and see them showcased in our gallery. The gallery will serve as a place of inspiration for other makers in our community.